HTML Preview Residential Property Offer Letter page number 1.

This is not a contract of sale document. Both the purchaser and vendor must
sign a contract of sale document before this offer becomes legally binding.
An offer may be withdrawn at any time before signing a contract of sale
document. Contracts of sale may also be subject to a 2 day cooling-off
period (exercisable by the purchaser) under section 5 of the Land and
Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994
To: Jock Gilbert Real Estate at 60 Kensington Rd, Rose Park, 5067
Purchaser(s): Please complete all details clearly
Full Name(s):
Phone (H): Phone (W):
Phone (M): Email:
I/We hereby make the following offer to purchase the Property below upon the
terms set out in the REISA Contract to Purchase Residential Land.
Property Address:
Purchase Price: $ Deposit: $
Conditions: Subject to Finance: Yes No
Settlement Date:
I/We acknowledge that I/we may be one of several parties making
offers to purchase this Property and declare that this is my/our
best and final offer.
I/We understand that if this offer is acceptable to the Vendor(s)
I/we will execute a REISA Contract forthwith.
Signed By Purchaser: Date:
Signed By Purchaser: Date:
Signed By Vendor: Date:
P r i v a c y S t ateme n t : T h e A g e n t / Au c t i o ne e r us e s t h i s in f o r m a t i on c o l le c t e d f r o m y o u to p e r f o r m i t s
obl i g a ti o n s a s A g e n t / A uc t i o n ee r . I n f o r m a t i o n w i l l n o t b e d i s c l o s ed to a n y o th e r p a r ty u n l es s
req u i r ed b y law a n d u n le s s o t h erw i s e a l l o w ed b y t h e Pr i v acy A c t 19 8 8 a n d i n r e la t i o n t o t he s a le
and p u rc h a s e o f p r o p e rt y .
60 Kensington Road
Rose Park SA 5067
P: 08 8364 1700
F: 08 8364 1703
Reg Agent MREI
RLA: 2189
ABN 78773677993

To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted. | George Kneller