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Research Paper Timeline
Target date
Task and "to do list"
Choose a topic
Gather information
Organize ideas
Create an outline & write a thesis statement
Thesis statement:
Narrow down sources & write notes
Remember to write reference info & page numbers on
all note papers.
Notes are in my own words.
Draft the paper
Revise & fill the gaps
What am I missing?
What do I want to change?
Due date
Submit paper
Modified from adaptations of:
Kennedy, M. L. & Smith, H. M. (1994). Reading and writing in the academic community. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice
Hall, by K. Lynn Taylor in Walker, and L. J. S. Walker & D. J. Schőnwetter (Eds.). Success secrets of university
students (pp. 173-199) Toronto: Prentice Hall.

The great accomplishments of man have resulted from the transmission of ideas of enthusiasm. | Thomas J. Watson