HTML Preview Daily Meeting Checklist page number 1.

Date: __________________
Daily Meeting Checklist
Staff 5 o’clock coverage? _____________________, _____________________,
____________________, _____________________.
Staff who are away (incl: sick, vl, ADR’s): ______________, ______________,
______________, _____________, _____________, _____________, _____________,
______________, ______________
AM buddy ______________
PM buddy _______________
Intake Call List Buddy ________________
CYS Buddy ___________________
Groups running today (any coverage needed)?
- Group _________________ Coverage ___________________
- Group _________________ Coverage ___________________
- Group _________________ Coverage ___________________
- Group _________________ Coverage ___________________
# of new referrals or after-hours calls to add to call list:
# of service requests unable to be completed yesterday:
# of customers on call list at 8:30AM today: Andon Color:
# of patient safety incidents:
# of staff safety incidents:
Available Director support:
After hours Psychiatry visits:
Psychiatry on call until 5PM:
Psychiatry on call after 5PM:

To succeed… You need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. | Tony Dorsett