Phone 877-209-8086 FAX: 844-616-1415 website: www.wvendoflife.org
Frequently Asked Questions about the Medical Power of Attorney
What is a medical power of attorney?
A medical power of attorney is a legal document, a type of advance directive, that allows you to name a person to
make healthcare decisions for you if you are unable to make them for yourself.
What if I already have a living will? Do I need to create a medical power of attorney?
Most West Virginians complete both a medical power of attorney and a living will. Since the medical power of
attorney is a more flexible document and allows you to name someone to make decisions for you, it is advisable to
create a medical power of attorney even if you have already signed a living will or decide not to do a living will.
Can I still make my own healthcare decisions once I have created a medical power of attorney?
Yes. Your medical power of attorney does not become effective until you are not able to clearly say your own wishes.
If I decide to create a medical power of attorney, how should I choose my representative?
Choose someone who knows your values and wishes, and whom you trust to make decisions for you. Do the same for
a successor representative. Ask both to be sure they understand and agree to be your representative.
What if I change my mind about who I want to be my representative or about the kind of treatment I want?
You should review your medical power of attorney periodically to make sure it still reflects your wishes. The best way
to change your medical power of attorney is to create a new one. The new document will automatically cancel the old
one. Be sure to notify all people who have copies of your medical power of attorney that you completed a new one.
Collect and destroy all copies of the old version. Send the new version to the e-Directive Registry so that your current
one is available to treating health care providers.
Do I need a lawyer to create a medical power of attorney?
No. A medical power of attorney can be completed without the assistance of a lawyer.
Will another state honor my medical power of attorney?
Laws differ somewhat from state to state, but in general, a patient’s expressed wishes will be honored
What should I do with my medical power of attorney after I sign it?
After your medical power of attorney is signed, witnessed and notarized, keep the original document in a safe location
where it can be easily found. A photo copy of your medical power of attorney is legally valid. You are encouraged to
send a copy of your medical power of attorney to the West Virginia e-Directive Registry. See instructions below.
A complete listing of all Frequently Asked Questions relating to the Medical Power of Attorney
can be found by clicking on the FAQS link on this page.
So that your medical power of attorney will can be found in a medical emergency, you are encouraged to submit
your form to the WV e-Directive Registry by FAXing it to 844-616-1415, mailing a copy to the WV e-Directive
Registry, 1195 Health Sciences North, Morgantown, WV 26506, or scanning and submitting it online at
http://www.wvendoflife.org. The medical power of attorney on this site contains an Opt-In box. If you would
like to have your medical power of attorney included in the Registry, you must INITIAL the box giving your