2. Emergency Contacts & Plans
Police/Fire/Ambulance, PH: 000
Transport Management Centre (TMC), (PH) 131 700
Standby truck and trailer in Sydney, PH: (02) 6669 2154
XYZ Heavy Towing Sydney, PH: (02) 7775 5641
LCD Cranes Sydney, PH: (02) 5452 1213
Westlink M7 Traffic Operations Room, PH: (02) 02 9834 9220
Site Contact – Jim Alpha: PH: (02) 9875 5679
Where a tow is required, the trailer will be unhooked from the prime mover and a
standby truck will be called. TMC will be notified in such an event. Police are to direct
and manage traffic as appropriate.
If police decide that the movement should be suspended as a result of time or potential
traffic impacts the trailer with the load will be moved to a safe parking location and the
TMC will be notified.
In the event of any emergency situation encountered while travelling on the M7, the
load will be moved to the left lane and shoulder. Contact will be made with the M7
Traffic Operations Room to advise so that the necessary warnings can be made.
In the event of bad weather such as heavy rain a decision will be made by the
company by the afternoon of the movement date. All relevant parties will be notified at
this time and a suitable alternative date for the movement will be set if required. This
will require further consultation with relevant parties.
Where bad weather is encountered along the way the movement is to proceed to the
nearest and safest area suitable that can accommodate the load. A decision will be
made by the police and the company as to whether the movement is to proceed any
further. In the event of any delay encountered the TMC and/or the M7 Traffic
Operations Room will be contacted.
3. Communication Protocol
A pre departure meeting will be held 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the
In the event of an emergency situation such as a truck breakdown, flat tyre etc the load
will be moved to the left lane and shoulder to ensure minimal traffic impacts, police are
to direct and manage traffic as appropriate. Pilots accompanying the movement must
follow the directions of police at all times. In such instances the TMC will be promptly
advised so that the necessary warnings can be made.
Communication between parties involved in the movement will occur on a UHF channel
chosen on the day. All parties will be informed of this channel in the pre departure
meeting held before the movement along with all procedures outlined in this document.
All communications between pilot vehicles and/or police and other heavy vehicles will
occur on UHF Channel 40 unless otherwise specified.