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Annual General Meeng Feedback Report 2016
This report summarises your feedback from the "Future of Economic Growth" AGM on 8th July 2016.
In all 102 parcipants aended the day, including speakers, hosts and organisers.
‘’Accessible locaon, table and chair
layout encouraged conversaon and gave
a good viewpoint to the screen and
"All very useful - insighul and quick-
moving. Length for each speaker was
exactly right."
Next Time
"I thought that Barry Dodd
showed strong & thoughul
"More inspiraonal business stories
showcasing success stories such as the
Bishy Road."
"The 10:30 start with a 1/2pm nish is
eecvely a whole working day,
parcularly for those of us that have a
long journey to Harrogate. An earlier
start would suit me."
‘’It was an AGM but nothing to
vote on.’’
@bizinspiredgrow #YorkshireGrowth
@WYCColleges: ‘’ The
importance of skills high-
lighted @bizinspiredgrow
and the importance of
@suegrad7: ‘’@nybechair asking a
queson at the @bizinspiredgrow
AGM. Good to hear our LEP are
leading the way and posive about
the future.’’
@bizinspiredgrow: ‘’Natalie Cramp
from @CareerEnt ‘What do we
want young people to be when
they leave school?’’

Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating. | Denis Waitley