Accounting Technology
Resume Format Guideline for Job Search Class
John R. Smith
College Address Home Address
260 Colony Manor Drive 123 Wickshire Lane
Rochester, NY 14623 Buffalo, NY 13432
OBJECTIVE: To obtain a ten-week cooperative work experience in the field of accounting technology
that will allow me to use my technical, organizational and communication skills.
EDUCATION: Rochester Institute of Technology
National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester NY
Area of Study: Accounting Technology
Associate’s degree anticipated May 2013
SKILLS: Microsoft Office XP 2007; Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher and Outlook;
QuickBooks, selected computerized general ledger applications and various internet sites.
COURSEWORK: Accounting I, I, III & IV Applied Accounting Techniques
Cost Accounting I and II Data Processing for Business Careers
Economics I and II Fundamentals of Management
Fundamentals of Marketing Keyboarding
Payroll Spreadsheet Applications Records Management/Business Calculations
EXPERIENCE: Office Assistant Summer 2010
Hyatt Legal Services, Buffalo, NY
• Maintained records of accounts receivable
• Processed incoming and outgoing mail
• Verified invoices from clients
• Processed checks for accounts payable and expenses
Accounting Clerk September 2009
Marriott Food Services, Buffalo, NY
• Processed incoming and outgoing mail
• Performed bookkeeping duties including all areas of accounting
• Processed checks to vendors (Accounts Payable)
• Verified invoices from clients
ACTIVITIES/HONORS: NTID/RIT Dean’s List: Winter 2010, Spring 2009 and Fall 2009
Rockefeller Scholarship Recipient: Spring 2009
Kappa Theta Alpha, Member: Spring 2009 to present
EMPLOYMENT CONTACT: Dawn Lucas (585) 475-7654 or
REFERENCES: Available upon request