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Accounting Technology
Resume Format Guideline for Job Search Class
John R. Smith
College Address Home Address
260 Colony Manor Drive 123 Wickshire Lane
Rochester, NY 14623 Buffalo, NY 13432
OBJECTIVE: To obtain a ten-week cooperative work experience in the field of accounting technology
that will allow me to use my technical, organizational and communication skills.
EDUCATION: Rochester Institute of Technology
National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester NY
Area of Study: Accounting Technology
Associate’s degree anticipated May 2013
SKILLS: Microsoft Office XP 2007; Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher and Outlook;
QuickBooks, selected computerized general ledger applications and various internet sites.
COURSEWORK: Accounting I, I, III & IV Applied Accounting Techniques
Cost Accounting I and II Data Processing for Business Careers
Economics I and II Fundamentals of Management
Fundamentals of Marketing Keyboarding
Payroll Spreadsheet Applications Records Management/Business Calculations
EXPERIENCE: Office Assistant Summer 2010
Hyatt Legal Services, Buffalo, NY
Maintained records of accounts receivable
Processed incoming and outgoing mail
Verified invoices from clients
Processed checks for accounts payable and expenses
Accounting Clerk September 2009
Marriott Food Services, Buffalo, NY
Processed incoming and outgoing mail
Performed bookkeeping duties including all areas of accounting
Processed checks to vendors (Accounts Payable)
Verified invoices from clients
ACTIVITIES/HONORS: NTID/RIT Dean’s List: Winter 2010, Spring 2009 and Fall 2009
Rockefeller Scholarship Recipient: Spring 2009
Kappa Theta Alpha, Member: Spring 2009 to present
EMPLOYMENT CONTACT: Dawn Lucas (585) 475-7654 or
REFERENCES: Available upon request

There is no security on the earth, there is only opportunity. | General Douglas MacArthur