HTML Preview Work Experience Student Cover Letter page number 1.

Sample Cover letter for work experience
Use only as a guide and include anything else that is relevant to you
or the work experience you are applying to do.
Date Student Address
Your email
Name of Employer
Full Address
Dear [insert name],
I am writing to enquire about the possibility of a work experience placement with your
company. I am currently a student in year 12 at Wymondham High Sixth Form and have
been given the opportunity to organise my work experience placement for one week during
the summer commencing, Monday July 27
, 2015
I would like to do my work experience in your company because of my interest in
(please include your career interest) and feel I would benefit greatly from this
experience (.Include how you think the company could help you )
I have (list any experience you may have e.g. part time jobs and the experience you have
gained and any positive feedback from your employer about your ability to work in that sort
of employment)
Thank you in advance for taking the time to consider my application. I look forward to
hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Sign your letter
Print your Name

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. | Napoleon Bonaparte