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Cover le ers
How to write a le er of
Whether you are writing a le er of application in answer
to a job advertisement or just searching for work that has
not been advertised, the reason is the same - to get an
interview! The le er of application is likely to be the fi rst
correspondence you will have with an employer on which
he/she will be able to judge you. Competition for jobs can
be tough and your job application needs to stand out.
At times, employers may deal with hundreds of
applications for the one position.
Application le ers are an important part of the job
package you send to the employer. Although your resume
will necessarily outline your relevant work history,
quali cations, dates and specifi c details about your job
duties – the cover le er will generally contain more
personal information and will include your motivations
for seeking the position.
Cover le ers are a useful way to ‘ ll in the gaps’ that may
be present if an employer was only to read your resume.
For example, your cover le er can explain things like:
interstate relocation, career change, periods of
unemployment and other details that may be unclear
from reading your resume alone.
Use Quick tip 6 - Writing le ers (page 93) and
Checklist 3 - Positive skill words for job applications
(page 86) when writing job application le ers to make
sure you include all of the relevant information in a
reader friendly format.
Whether you are writing a le er of application in answer
to a job advertisement or just searching for work that has
not been advertised, the reason is the same - to get an
interview! The le er of application is likely to be the fi rst
correspondence you will have with an employer on which
he/she will be able to judge you. Competition for jobs can
be tough and your job application needs to stand out.
Application le ers are an important part of the job
will necessarily outline your relevant work history,
quali cations, dates and specifi c details about your job
duties – the cover le er will generally contain more
personal information and will include your motivations
Cover le ers are a useful way to ‘ ll in the gaps’ that may
be present if an employer was only to read your resume.
For example, your cover le er can explain things like:
unemployment and other details that may be unclear
Quick tip 6 - Writing le ers (page 93) and
Checklist 3 - Positive skill words for job applications
when writing job application le ers to make
sure you include all of the relevant information in a

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. | Charles Darwin