HTML Preview Monthly Human Resources Newsletter example page number 1.

National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Human Resources Management Division
1 New Human Resources Director,
Michelle Godfrey
2 About HRMD
2 What Is Employee Relations?
2 Employee Relations Fact
3 HRMD Dates and Events
3 2016 Federal Employee
Viewpoints Survey
3 Are You Ready To Work
From Anywhere?
3 The Employee Assistance Program
4 Modern Mentoring
4 Performance Management
4 Training and Development Corner
“Individual commitment to a
group effort—that is what makes
a team work, a company work, a
society work, a civilization work.”
—Vince Lombardi
New Human Resources Director,
Michelle Godfrey
he Human Resources
Management Division is pleased
to announce Michelle Godfrey as the
Director of the Human Resources
Management Division. With a distin-
guished career in human capital man-
agement and operations, Ms. Godfrey
is responsible for leadership and man-
agement of human resources activities
at NASA Headquarters. She will play
a pivotal role in working
with Headquarters lead-
ers to build and main-
tain a stable, engaged,
and productive workforce.
Through specialties such
as executive resources,
staffing, organizational
development, workforce
planning, employee rela-
tions, and labor rela-
tions, Ms. Godfrey will
lead a staff of profes-
sionals that provides the full com-
plement of human capital services to
Ms. Godfrey comes to NASA after
a distinguished 18-year career at the
U.S. Coast Guard where she served
as the Chief of the Office of Civilian
Human Resources. In this role, she was
responsible for providing a full range
of human resources policy and services
to over 8,000 employees throughout
the United States. She also has prior
human resources experience with
the Departments of Commerce and
Please stop by the Human
Resources Management Division
(4E39) to meet Michelle and welcome
her to NASA!
Michelle has over 31 years of
Federal service serving in a
variety of HR positions, most
recently as the Chief of the Office
of Civilian Human Resources at
the U.S. Coast Guard.
Human Resources Management Division
NASA Headquarters
300 E Street, SW
Washington, DC 20546
Excellence with
Dynamic Results

Change is not a threat, it’s an opportunity. Survival is not the goal, transformative success is. | Seth Godin