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University of Manchester: School of Mechanical, Aerospace & Civil Engineering
Project Finance for Infrastructure Projects MACE 60023/MACE 44011
Peer Assessment Form
The marks for the Group Coursework will be distributed on the basis of this peer assessment. The
peer assessment marks are used as a modifier of the marks awarded for this coursework.
Before the submission deadline, each group should discuss how their work on the Coursework was
organized and allocated between them. This should form the basis for their peer assessment on
the relative contribution of each member to the Coursework task.
One assessment sheet per group is to be signed and dated by all group members and
posted in the appropriate coursework box in the George Begg Building by Friday 21
November 2014.
Please rate the relative contribution of each group member and give a mark, (whole numbers
only) on a scale from 0 to 5 in accordance with the following criteria.
5 indicates an outstanding performance involving exceptional quantity or quality of
4 indicates a significantly greater than average but not exceptional contribution to the
group’s work.
3 indicates an average contribution of average value to other members of the group.
2 indicates a below average but acceptable contribution to the group’s work.
1 indicates an inadequate and unsatisfactory level of contribution to the group’s work.
0 indicates no meaningful contribution.
Your marking is likely to show a spread of marks with most marks awarded likely to be 3s and 4s
– it is only in truly exceptional circumstances you will be awarding a mark of 5.
Student Name Student
Signature Mark Awarded
(out of 5)

I had to make my own living and my own opportunity! But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them! | C.J. Walker