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Conference Agenda
8.30 Registration and coffee
9.00 Welcome
Peter Montanaro, Head Delegated Authorities, Lloyd’s
A brief update on progress against the Lloyd’s DA Strategy and a description of the day’s
key objectives.
9.10 Lloyd’s update
Lindsey Davies, Deputy Head, Delegated Authorities, Lloyd’s
Key developments since last year’s conference.
9.20 DARA (Delegated Authority Reviewers’ Association) update
Giles Anderson, GPA Consulting
Update from the directors of the Auditor Association.
9.50 CAG (Coverholder Audit Group) update
Andrew King, QBE
Update on progress from the Lloyd’s Audit Group.
10.20 Coffee break
10.40 Audit scoping and frequency
11.10 Scope workshop
Workshop exercise designed to discuss a revised audit scope.
13.15 Lunch and networking

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