Naps are all over the map at
this age, so don’t fret about
short and erratic naps in this
newborn stage.
Watch for the 4 month sleep
regression right around this
time; it will throw off even the
best nappers!
Short naps are normal in the
first 5-6 months of your baby’s
life, but starting around 6
months, your baby’s nap sleep
should start to consolidate into
more predictable naps.
Another sleep regression
strikes at around 8 or 9
months, and it’s related to the
nap transition from 3-2 naps.
By this point, you baby should
be napping pretty predictably.
See our sample nap and
feeding schedules to build a
more consistent nap schedule,
if you’re still struggling with
erratic naps.
Resist the impulse to transition
to 1 nap when your baby turns
a year old. Most babies don’t
make the transition to 1 nap
until close to18 months, so
hang on to that second nap as
best you can for this stage.
Be sure your toddler’s
afternoon nap ends well
before bedtime; starting
around age 2, toddlers need
plenty of awake time.
Visit www.babysleepsite.com for free blog articles and e-Books designed to help your baby or toddler sleep better!