FF-LMS-06-01 Page 1 of 6
Application for Lease Extension / Lease Renewal
Note to applicant: Please read the following before you complete this form.
This form may take you 10 minutes to fill in.
1. Government Policy for Lease Extension
In general, the Government’s policy is to allow leases to expire without extension. In land scarce
Singapore, we need to recover land upon lease expiry to re-allocate it to meet fast changing
socio-economic needs. Nevertheless, the Government will consider extension of State leases on
a case-by-case basis where they are in line with planning intention and help to further specific
economic and social objectives.
2. To help us process your case promptly, please attach the following documents
(i) All URA planning approvals including Provisional Permission, Written Permission and
any extensions to Provisional Permission for the proposed development on the site.
(ii) 2 copies of cadastral plan and location plan each. You may purchase the plan through
INLIS at http://www.inlis.gov.sg by selecting “Survey Cadastral Map” from the “Land Survey
Information” menu.
The cadastral plan should contain the following particulars:
(a) all existing roads, cadastral boundaries, lot numbers and Mukim / Town
Subdivision boundaries.
(b) the development site outlined in red.
(iii) Please attach a photograph showing the existing development on the site.
(iv) Photocopy of the Certificate of Title / Last Deed of Conveyance of the land.
(v) Processing fee of $1,000.00 for each lot applied for. Payment can either be made:
(a) via CashCard or NETS at our service counter; or
(b) by way of a cheque made payable to “Commissioner of Lands, SLA”.
3. Please note the following:
(i) The fee payable for processing the application is not
(ii) You are required to complete every part of this
application form. Indicate “NA” or “Nil” where applicable.
(iii) For prospective purchasers, you may only submit a
formal application for the lease extension after you have
become the registered proprietor of the site.
4. Please send your completed application form, together
with the enclosures and processing fee to:
55 Newton Road #12-01 Revenue House
Singapore 307987
Processing Fees Received: Y/N
Amount Received: ___________
If received by cheque, cheque no.
Acknowledged by: