AVID Article Summary Format
Part I: Individual Assignment
Name: _________________________________________ Due Date: __________
Article Title: _______________________________________________________
Author/Source: _____________________________________________________
While reading the article, highlight words or phrases that require definitions or
What are the AUTHOR’s major ideas, concepts or key points?
A: List the major ideas, concepts or key points- point by point
Excessive fat consumption is a severe problem for many Americans
Fat is high in calories and carbohydrates, so humans have evolved to like and
store it
Fat melts in one’s mouth and has a distinct taste, so it is difficult to mimic it
Digestion involves caloric intake, but eating something that cannot be digested
causes intestinal cramping
Fat can be modified at the molecular level by replacing certain parts with certain
Fat typically has a glycerol backbone and three fatty acids
Olestra tastes like fat and has less calories, but it can cause intestinal discomfort
Many people have developed lower-calorie fat substitute, but they have not
applied for Food and Drug Administration approval
B: Summarize the AUTHOR’s main point or idea- at LEAST 1-2 paragraphs
Summary of Author’s Main Points:
Fat has more calories and carbohydrates per given volume than nearly any other
food. For this reason, humans have evolved to like the taste of fat and to store fat
in their bodies. However, many Americans have excessively high cholesterol
levels and insufficient blood flow to the heart as a result of excessive fat
consumption. If one replaces certain parts of fat with certain sugars, he or she
can cause the fat not to be digested. A product that makes use of this technology
is Olestra, made by Proctor & Gamble. However, Olestra causes intestinal
cramping and loose stools. Many other organizations have developed lower-
calorie fat-substitutes, but none have applied for Food and Drug Administration