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5555 Chester Circle Los Angeles, CA 00000
555-555-5555 (C)
Treasury & Finance Management Investment Management Strategic Decision Making
Municipal Finance Officers Association (MFOA) Distinguished Budget Award Winner for 5 Consecutive Years
California Department of Finance and Administration 2005-2006 Budget Award Winner
L a s e r S o l u t i o n s E m p l o y e e S t a r A w a r d W i n n e r f o r B P R L e a d i n g t o 6 0 % C y c l e T i m e R e d u c t i o n
Highly acclaimed, multilingual Senior Executive with a record of excellence in all areas of Finance and Treasury
Management supported by strength in sales, marketing, public relations / communications, and business
administration. Visionary change agent who builds and leads motivated teams to drive organizational success within
diverse industries and sectors, across domestic, international, and emerging markets, and in the face of challenging
economic conditions. Fluent in English, well-versed in Spanish and French. Online background verification report
available for review. Areas of expertise include:
Strategic Planning
Budget Planning & Forecasting
Financial Analysis & Reporting
Cash Management
Performance Management & Measurement
Team Building & Motivation
Special Projects
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
Revenue Cycle Management
Policy & Procedure Development
Cost Control & Reduction
Public Relations
Business Process Improvement / Reengineering
Variance & Trend Analyses
Financial Markets Sales Training and Leadership Market Share Expansion
COUNTY OF SONOMA Sonoma, CA 2004-Present
Government Agency responsible for administration of public works, law enforcement, public safety, electric, gas, water, and sewer
utilities, and related community services, with $60 million in annual revenues and 700 full-time employees.
Senior Budget Analyst (2005-Present)
Management Analyst (2004-2005)
Progressed rapidly to Senior Budget Analyst to manage Performance Measurement and Accountability system across
60 government departments and programs. Conduct budget, revenue, and variance / trend monitoring and analysis of
performance and operational results, and provide associated semi-annual reports to government officials and the
public. Develop annual Capital Improvement Plan, as well as Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) for
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports. Play key role in development of biennial Community Citizen Survey,
attainment of Fire Department’s accreditation, and related functions.
Developed and implemented enterprise-wide Performance Management / Measurement System in 18
Effectively secured $3.2 million in grants despite severe budget constraints.
D e v e l op e d $ 3 5 0 m i l l i o n t e n -ye a r C a p i t a l I m p r o v e m e n t p l a n wi th pu bli c a nd muni ci pal inp ut, $ 8 5 m i l l i o n i n t a x -
backed financing, a n d identification of $40 million i n operating impacts across 15 major construction projects.
Provided strategic operational input including RFP Scope of Work, vendor selection, and subsequent $455K
Professional Services Agreement. Played key role in vendor relationship management and development of
final project report.
Resume for Sample Purposes Only
by ©2011 Best-In-Class Resumes

A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts. | Richard Branson