Surname (family name): Mr Mrs Ms Miss Mstr Dr
First name(s): Preferred name:
Date of birth:
/ / Gender: Male Female NHI:
Residential address:
Postal address:
Email address:
(Home) (Business) (Mobile)
New Zealand resident: Yes No
Ethnicity: European / Maori / Pacific Island / Asian / Middle Eastern / Latin American / African / Other
General Practitioner (Name): Telephone:
Medical Centre:
Name: Relationship to patient:
Telephone: (Home) (Business) (Mobile)
How will your procedure be paid for? Tick and complete as many as applies:
Health insurance (personal expenses such as telephone calls are excluded)
Name of Insurer:
Insurance Plan Name: Membership No:
Have you obtained “prior approval” for payment? Yes
No Approval No:
ACC (personal expenses such as telephone calls are excluded) DHB (personal expenses such as telephone calls are excluded)
Paid personally If you are paying for the procedure yourself, you may be asked to pay an estimated deposit 3-5 days before
admission. The balance of your account must be settled on discharge.
I will pay my account by: EFTPOS Credit card Debit Card Internet Banking Cheque
For Internet Banking:
Payee: Southern Cross Hospitals Ltd Bank a/c: 12-3113-0126623-00
Particulars: Patient Name Code: Date of Surgery e.g. 12 Sep 2014 Reference: Hospital e.g. Hamilton
Go to www.southerncrosshospitals.co.nz for the online payment option (using a credit card).
( Please circle one or more)
dd mm yyyy
I agree to settle my Hospital account in full at the time of my discharge when personally paying my account or where I do not have “prior
approval” from my insurer. I understand I am responsible for any outstanding balance if my procedure is not fully covered by insurance,
ACC or other contract.
I give permission for Southern Cross Hospitals to obtain any information relating to the approval/claim for this admission from the
relevant funder/s, and I authorise that person or organisation to disclose such information to Southern Cross Hospitals. I accept that, in
the event my Hospital account is not met, Southern Cross Hospitals reserves the right to add all costs of collection to this account.
I give permission to Southern Cross Hospitals or any health professional involved in my care for this admission to Hospital, to access health
information about me that is relevant to my current treatment, which may be held by Southern Cross Hospitals, other health professionals or
other health organisations. I understand that other clinical team members such as student nurses and qualified medical trainees may have
supervised involvement with my care and that I have the right to decline their presence or contribution to my care delivery.
I understand the admitting Surgeon, Anaesthetist and other Doctors or health professionals using Southern Cross Hospitals facilities are
independent and not employees of Southern Cross Hospitals, with respect to both my treatment, care and account payment. I accept
that this agreement is covered by New Zealand law. The details above have been completed by:
Name: Date: / /
Signature: If not the patient, state relationship to patient:
dd mm yyyy
SCHL040 11/15 Southern Cross Hospitals
IMPORTANT: Please send this completed form to the Hospital where you will have your procedure/surgery.
Patient admission form
(Bring your prior approval letter)