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Notes from client meeting
Meeting held with Larisa Munsch and Dr Judith Cohen at Allegheny General Hospital
1. Judith explained the rationale behind direct approach. Very few false positives or
false negatives. We do not need to worry about it.
2. On the other end, it should also not be too fantasy-like otherwise children will not
appreciate the importance of the questions.
3. New point: Valid and reliable tool most important now. Compromises in other
areas to achieve this is acceptable.
4. Instrument - Dr Phil (?) : The app will be internally tested, around 50 kids, results
then studied. If comparable to paper questionnaire, then released to public.
Again, not our concern except to make it as efficient as possible.
5. If our digital version is too different from the original instrument, then it will be a
problem later. Better to mitigate issues right now and stay as true as possible to
the original tool.
6. Authority figures should be avoided just because there is a lot of potential for it
to backfire. Children already have such figures in their life and not all of them feel
comfortable talking to them. Better to go for a neutral character that is non
7. To conduct playtests on general children, use words like ‘Difficult and scary’ to
describe traumatic events. Refer to exposure question statement.
8. Abuse related questions - physical & sexual - have reporting obligations in clinical
settings and should be avoided right now. Ask the other ones if you have to test.
9. Again, what character will work for every kid cannot be guaranteed so make them
as neutral as possible.
10.Don’t help them to face their fears. That’s not a requirement in this phase.
11.Emphasis on the questionnaire being enjoyable rather than building a
relationship. The time might not be sufficient to build a meaningful relationship.
12.Just a digital questionnaire is okay
as long as the app ends up being reliable and
13.The comparison with the paper method is also something for the future and
should not be worried about right now.

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. | Dwight Eisenhower