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Our Weekly Kindergarten Newsletter
Week of January 30
Our Curriculum…
o Reading Strand
Story of the Week: The Lion and the Mouse
Genre: Classic Fable
Phonemic Awareness: Initial and Medial /o/
Letter Recognition: Aa-Zz
Comprehension Skill: Main Idea
High Frequency Words: of, they, you
Lively Letters: Blending Sounds
o Writing Strand: Sentence Frames – Writing A Complete Sentence
o Speaking & Listening Strand
Content Knowledge: Build Oral Language
Listening & Speaking: Ask and Answer Questions
o Language Strand
Oral Vocabulary Words: jungle, beast, nibbling, snarled, trembling, entangled
Math: Introduce Topic 7 – Subtraction
Science/Social Studies: Force and Motion
Homework: Please make sure your child completes his/her homework each night. We are
so lucky to have the Lexia program. Please utilize this program at home to help enhance
your child’s education.
*Important Dates, News, & Reminders*
1) Please return your child’s Progress Report.
2) Tuesday, January 31st is an optional uniform day, Decades Day! Dress with your
favorite era! 1920’s, 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s, 1980’s, 1990’s!
3) 100
Day of School for Kindergarten is February 7
. Bring in your project when finished.

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take | Wayne Gretzky