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CORP – Management Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes Instructions
Management Committee
Meeting Agenda and Minutes Instructions
Instructions for Completing an Agenda
The purpose of an agenda is to notify committee members and members of the public of an
upcoming meeting and the items to be discussed at that meeting. It outlines the program of the
meeting in the order in which the items are to take place. Notification of the meeting and an agenda
should be sent out and displayed two weeks prior to a meeting.
Instructions for Completing an Agenda
Time that the meeting will commence.
Address of where the meeting is to be held.
List the names and positions of the committee members.
List the names and titles of all guests attending the meeting.
Chairperson welcomes the attendees.
All written and verbal apologies are tabled.
List the date of the previous meeting.
The minutes from the previous meeting are read.
Business items arising from previous meeting should be listed here.
Correspondence in is tabled.
Correspondence out is tabled.
Treasurer’s report is tabled.
Items to be discussed at meeting should be listed here.
All new items to be discussed are discussed at this point.
Date of next meeting to be determined at this point.
Time of closure of meeting.