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12 October 2006 FM 6-22 B-1
Appendix B
B-1. Counseling is the process used by leaders to review with a subordinate the subordinate’s
demonstrated performance and potential (Part Three, Chapter 8).
B-2. Counseling is one of the most important leadership development responsibilities for Army leaders.
The Army’s future and the legacy of today’s Army leaders rests on the shoulders of those they help prepare
for greater responsibility.
B-3. Developmental counseling is categorized by the purpose of the session. The three major categories
of developmental counseling are—
z Event counseling.
z Performance counseling.
z Professional growth counseling.
B-4. Event-oriented counseling involves a specific event or situation. It may precede events such as
appearing before a promotion board or attending training. It can also follow events such as noteworthy
duty performance, a problem with performance or mission accomplishment, or a personal issue. Examples
of event-oriented counseling include—
z Instances of superior or substandard performance.
z Reception and integration counseling.
z Crisis counseling.
z Referral counseling.
z Promotion counseling.
z Separation counseling.
Counseling for Specific Instances
B-5. Sometimes counseling is tied to specific instances of superior or substandard duty performance. The
leader uses the counseling session to convey to the subordinate whether or not the performance met the
standard and what the subordinate did right or wrong. Successful counseling for specific performance
occurs as close to the event as possible. Leaders should counsel subordinates for exceptional as well as
substandard duty performance. The key is to strike a balance between the two. To maintain an appropriate
balance, leaders keep track of counseling for exceptional versus substandard performance.
B-6. Although good leaders attempt to balance their counseling emphasis, leaders should always counsel
subordinates who do not meet the standard. If the Soldier or civilian’s performance is unsatisfactory
because of a lack of knowledge or ability, leader and subordinate can develop a plan for improvement.
Corrective training helps ensure that the subordinate knows and consistently achieves the standard.
B-7. When counseling a subordinate for a specific performance, take the following actions:
z Explain the purpose of the counseling—what was expected, and how the subordinate failed to
meet the standard.
z Address the specific unacceptable behavior or action—do not attack the person’s character.
z Explain the effect of the behavior, action, or performance on the rest of the organization.

A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor. | Unknown