Appendix 3
Business Management Project
Report compiled by Nigel Conder
Executive Summary
This document is intended to give an update of progress so far in relation to the Outer
West Leeds Project (OWL). It will show what has been done to move this project
forward and the actions and strategies taken to fit with the plan presented to members
earlier this year where approval for funding was agreed for a twelve month contract.
OWL is designed around a local business engagement approach that will support
growth and deliver private sector resources and investment within Outer West Leeds.
Key Highlights of the first five months delivered against Outer West Business Plan
and OWL targets
Area Business Plan / Sustainable Economy and Culture
1. Provide as many opportunities as possible for people to get jobs or learn new skills
2. Work with local businesses to support a flourishing local economy
3. Make better use of community buildings
• A programme to support Crawshaw School funding secured in excess of £50,000
• Over 20 businesses agreed to support Crawshaw School
• Over 75 businesses engaged in the Reward Card Scheme
• Over 10% of All 5-3-1 pledges have come from Out West Area
• Over 300 businesses regularly signposted
• Regular contact with business forums
• NEET’s Apprenticeships / WNW Homes Apprenticeship and training scheme four
• Pre NEET through Make the Grade / Business involvement
Safer and Stronger Communities
1. Support volunteering within our local communities
2. Improve the local environment and our parks and open spaces
• £3,000 of LEP funding to support working in communities of Outer West Leeds
• Regular Cllr updates and meetings
OWL Targets
• Support for up to 500 businesses / 300 Currently being supported
• Engage 25 businesses in delivery of education based activities / 20 Engaged
• To secure 40 LEP pledges from businesses / 11 Pledges secured
• To bring in 30 volunteer days from businesses / 12 Days to be delivered
• To support 5 initiatives and leverage £10,000 of support / 7 businesses offered in
kind support £2,000