Banner Student Meeting Agenda
July 30, 2015 8:00-9:00 a.m.
I. General Items
1. Student Meeting will be held in the new ETS building (D120) in August. There will be a ribbon ceremony
on Aug. 3rd and an open house in October. The front door will be open from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
2. Chien will be off until sometime after August 3rd.
3. (nothing new to report) Banner and email shutdown for L7 data center remodeling. Currently having
temperature issues.
a. Dec 26th and 27th (first choice) or
b. Dec 19th and 20th (second choice)
c. To move the servers back: Beginning of February or during Feb 12-15th 4 day holiday.
4. (nothing new to report) Upcoming Patch to ODS and ODS test: Scheduled August 14th-15th. Hardware
concerns; still investigating. Andrew asked if they are indexing the table more and adding hints? Are
they using a view vs. a table? We are analyzing the I/O activity.
5. (nothing new to report) The new ETS project intake process will be rolled out to production internally for
ETS this summer. Official launch, fall quarter.
II. Priority Issues
1. Ethnicity choices on the OpenCCCApply application: Nazy received a report yesterday, approximately
5000 students, mostly De Anza students. Declined to state code is "XD". It may be that the applicant
did not pick any race.
2. Automate sending e-mails for financial aid charge backs when students reduce their load. – Goal is to
have it working for fall. Negative dollar transaction with a financial aid code should trigger an e-mail.
Needed daily. Jerrick is working on an Argos report with daily e-mails. Two types of e-mails: Students
who need to repeat the grants or loans and students that are no longer eligible for BOG waivers.
a. Rachel recommends to use source code F.
b. A district-wide e-mail needs to go out; if students have any questions, they should contact
the financial aid offices. Text for the message needs to be created by the financial aid
offices and passed on to ETS.
3. System problems:
a. (nothing new to report) Overlapping early summer and spring: Students enrolled in a
prerequisite in spring for a class that they are trying to enroll in for early summer. When they
fail the prerequisite, it takes two more weeks to roll the grades; by that time, they are almost
finished with the class and can't be dropped. We need to be able to identify these students
as soon as possible. ETS will investigate.
b. Financial Aid Refund: Popsel was created for the cross year. New INB jobs created for
cashier office to run manually. Xiaobin is working on the code; ETS needs to inform the
cashier offices which test instance will be used to test so that they can compare the student
c. Hasan set the TGPHOLD jobs to run in sequence every two minutes. ETS needs to be
alerted if the cron job fails to rerun it.