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This agreement, made this _____ day of ______________, 201_ is between the
________________________, hereafter referred to as LOCAL BOARD, and
____________________________________, hereafter referred to as the Fiscal Agent.
I. Purpose of Agreement
The LOCAL BOARD has been designated an Early Childhood Iowa area within the geographical
area it serves and has received a grant of state funds of $ __________________ for a School
Ready Children Services, and a grant of federal funds of $________________________ for an
Early Childhood Program (hereinafter referred to jointly as EARLY CHILDHOOD IOWA
Pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 256I the LOCAL BOARD is required to designate a public entity
as a fiscal agent to administer grant funds. ___________________________ has been
designated as the fiscal agent for the Board.
II. Duration of Agreement
This agreement shall become effective on __________________________. This agreement shall
remain in effect until June 30, 201_, or until earlier terminated according to the provisions
herein. This agreement may be renewed or extended by the mutual written agreement of the
parties in the form of an amendment specifying the new agreement period and the amount of
funds available to the LOCAL BOARD for the new agreement period. All other terms of the
agreement shall remain in effect unless otherwise specifically amended.
III. Responsibilities of Fiscal Agent
The Fiscal Agent shall provide the following services for each of the two separate funds for
which it is acting as fiscal agent:
A. Deposit EARLY CHILDHOOD IOWA funds into accounts in accordance with Iowa
Code Chapter 12C and the Cash Management Improvement Act, 31 U.S.C. §6501 et seq.
1. Early Childhood funds are identified by the following federal government
reference code: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number 93.575.
2. Payments received between July 1, 2012 and September 30, 2012 are within
federal fiscal year 2012. Payments received between October 1, 2012 and June
30, 2013 are within federal fiscal year 2013.
B. Issue payments from the Early Childhood Iowa grant account as directed by authorized
LOCAL BOARD personnel. Payments shall be issued to the individual, vendor,
business, or other entity identified by the LOCAL BOARD, in the amount specified, and
to the address provided by the LOCAL BOARD. Payments shall be issued as directed,

Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating. | Denis Waitley