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KY Vol. 30, No. 1 Page 1
Continued on page 4
State Office Building Annex, Suite 300 • 125 Holmes Street • Frankfort, KY 40601
September 2010
Published to promote co m p l i a n c e of p h a r m a c y and d r u g law
Board of Pharmacy
Board of Pharmacy Office Has Moved
The Kentucky Board of Pharmacy moved into its new of-
ce on March 22, 2010. Following is the new address, phone
number, and fax number of the ofce:
Kentucky Board of Pharmacy
State Ofce Building Annex, Suite 300
125 Holmes Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
502/564-7910 (Phone)
502/696-3806 (Fax)
The Boards e-mail address remains
and the Web site remains
Drug Manufacturer and Wholesale Distributor
Renewal Deadline September 30, 2010
Drug manufacturer and wholesale distributor permits and
licenses expire on September 30, 2010. A drug manufacturer
or wholesale distributor may renew and pay the fee online. Re-
newal applications will not be mailed out; however, a renewal
form may be printed from the Board’s Web site at www.phar If you have any questions concerning the renewal
process please contact the Board ofce. A drug manufacturer or
wholesale distributor application with a United States Post Of-
ce Box address only will not be accepted and will be returned.
All incomplete applications will be returned. Remember, the
deadline is September 30, 2010.
HIV/AIDS Continuing Education 2010
The June 2002 Board Newsletter stated that the Board will re-
quire that every Kentucky licensed pharmacist shall successfully
complete a continuing education program of not less than one
contact hour, 0.1 continuing education unit (CEU), regarding
HIV/AIDS that complies with KRS 214.610(1). The continuing
education program shall be approved by the Cabinet for Health
and Family Services HIV/AIDS Branch or be conducted by a
provider approved by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy
Education. Therefore, a Kentucky licensed pharmacist must
successfully complete a one-hour (0.1 CEU) HIV/AIDS
program during the calendar year January 1-December
31, 2010.
Board Meeting and Retreat 2010
At the July Board Meeting, the Board of Pharmacy changed
the date of the November Board Meeting and Retreat to
November 5-6, 2010.
The Pikeville Convention Center located in Pikeville, KY,
will be the site of the November Board Meeting and Retreat.
The Board Meeting will begin on Friday, November 5, 2010, at
am with the Board Retreat beginning at the end of the agenda
on that day and continuing on Saturday, November 6, 2010,
from 8
am until 5 pm.
The Board requests any individual or organization to submit
topics to be discussed at the Board Retreat. Please submit any
suggestion(s) to the Board ofce either by mail, fax, or e-mail.
The Board will set the agenda at the September 8, 2010 meet-
ing. If you have any questions, please contact the Board ofce.
Changes to Controlled Substance
The Board of Pharmacy has received many questions regard-
ing what changes can be made to a Schedule II prescription
since the Final Rule entitled Issuance of Multiple Prescrip-
tions for Schedule II Controlled Substances (72 FR 64921)
was published.
The answer is, on November 19, 2007, Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA) published in the Federal Register (FR)
the Final Rule entitled Issuance of Multiple Prescriptions for
Schedule II Controlled Substances (72 FR 64921). In the pre-
amble to that rule, DEA stated that the “the essential elements
of the [schedule II] prescription written by the practitioner (such
as the name of the controlled substance, strength, dosage form,
and quantity prescribed) . . . may not be modied orally.
The instructions contained in the rule’s preamble are in op-
position to DEAs previous policy, which permitted the same
changes a pharmacist may make to Schedule III-V controlled
substance prescriptions after oral consultation with the pre-
scriber. DEA recognizes the resultant confusion regarding this
conict and plans to resolve this matter through future rulemak-
ing. Until that time, pharmacists are instructed to adhere
to state regulations or policy regarding those changes that

To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult. | Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth