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Periodic Table Bingo
Periodic Table Bingo Card
Periodic Table of Elements
Colored pieces of paper or plastic discs
Print the Periodic Table Bingo Cards (pages 5-44). There are forty unique bingo cards.
You may choose to give your students a periodic table to reference.
Begin by reading clues about the element and allow students about 5-10 seconds to mark
the appropriate element on their card. Refer to the table (pages 2-4) for clues. Students
should listen to the clue, determine if that element is on the card and place a coin, piece
of paper, or disc on the indicated symbol. The winner should shout bingo when he/she
has marked the correct pattern of elements on the bingo card.
For younger students- You may choose to call out the atomic number of the element and
allow the students to reference the periodic.
The more often you play this game the more familiar your students will become with the
periodic table of elements.

There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them. | Seth Godin