1 updated August, 2014
Suggested Event Planning TIMELINE
Note: Not all items will apply to all events.
This is a list to get you thinking about what planning items will go into your unique occasion.
Six to Twelve months out:
Determine event date(s)
Identify planning committee and/or key players for planning process
Establish planning meeting frequency and times; schedule remaining planning
Develop event goals, objectives, program outline, and any key communication
messages for printed and web-based materials
Submit and confirm venue reservations (use Web Viewer for on-campus spaces)
Submit and confirm lodging reservations (the Hanover Inn will confirm 18 months
out; if using another area hotel, be sure to confirm their release date and note on
lodging card, if sending one to guests)
Identify constituencies for guest lists
Confirm date with VIPs (on- and off-campus)
Identify possible emcee, keynote speakers, etc.
Prepare budget estimate
Discuss invitation list and estimated yield
Confirm invitation lists for events and meals; vet with necessary senior officers
Design and develop event database for mailing invitations and tracking RSVPs
Outline ceremony and dinner program to review with key officers
Brainstorm gift ideas; identify gift vendors; work on design; and determine costs
Contact designer for invitation and program designs; initiate design process;
determine deadlines and costs; include accessibility information
Identify specific speakers and program pieces; begin discussing AV needs
Get sign offs on event program ideas