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2003 Subcontractor Agreement Template
This document is intended to be a “template” for use by members of the Home Builders Association
of Tennessee. All or portions of this template may be used as a contract between a builder and a
sub contractor. When using this template, please submit your final document or contract to your
attorney for approval.
This Document is a binding contract, which will serve as a blanket agreement for and between
_________________________, herein known as Builder, and the undersigned referred to hereafter as
Subcontractor. By signing, Subcontractor and Builder agree to the terms set forth herein. This agreement
shall remain in force from the date hereof and from year to year, unless a change is agreed to in writing by
both Builder and Subcontractor. The parties agree to the following:
All Work of the Subcontractor will be performed in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with the
plans and specifications for each job and must comply with all Federal and State laws, codes and
regulations and all county and/or municipal ordinances and regulations effective where the work is to be
performed under this contract. All permits, fees, taxes, and expenses connected with such compliance are to
be paid by the Subcontractor.
The Builder and Subcontractor agree that the Subcontractor is being hired solely as an Independent
Contractor and that neither the Subcontractor, nor his employees shall be deemed to be employees of the
The Subcontractor agrees to promptly begin work as soon as notified by the Builder, and to complete the
work in a professional and workmanlike manner within a reasonable period of time once work is
commenced and in any event by the deadlines established by the Builder in writing. Subcontractor shall
cooperate with other trades who are also on the jobsite so that each reasonably may complete their
respective work within the required time frames and Subcontractor shall in any event complete
Subcontractor’s work within a time that will allow any other trade whose work depends on the completion
of Subcontractor’s work to also timely complete its work. At all times, Subcontractor shall provide
competent supervision, a sufficient number of skilled workers and adequate and proper materials to
maintain Builder’s work schedule. Subcontractor warrants to Builder that he has all proper and necessary
licenses and permits to perform the services contracted for by Builder. If Builder determines that
Subcontractor’s work does not conform to the provisions of the Drawings and Specifications, or that the
work is not of appropriate quality, Builder shall advise Subcontractor, and if Subcontractor does not correct
such defects or errors on Builder’s time table, builder shall have the right to correct the defects and to
charge back the Subcontractor the cost of such corrections.
No deviations from the work specified in the contract will be permitted or paid for unless a written extra
work or change order is first agreed upon and signed as required.