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Request for Informational Interview Letter
123 Seneca Street
Apartment 4
Ithaca, NY 14850
Jane Hamilton, (add Esq. after name, if addressee is a lawyer*)
Legal Aid Society of King County
One American Avenue
Seattle, WA 98103
Dear Ms. Hamilton:
I am a student at Cornell Law School and am particularly interested in learning
more about working in Seattle for an organization like yours that serves the public.
In a recent conversation with __________, s/he suggested I contact you about
your practice because of your extensive experience and outstanding reputation in your
field. I am not approaching you to obtain a position with your organization; I would
simply appreciate any general advice or information you could offer me as I explore
public sector opportunities in the Puget Sounds area.
Since I will be in Seattle between ___ and ___ dates, I would be very grateful for
the opportunity to meet with you for 10 to 15 minutes that week. Alternatively, if you are
unable to meet with me in person, I hoped you would be willing to correspond with me
by phone or email in the near future.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to meeting you!
Andrew Dickson White
Andrew Dickson White
*(If addressee is non-lawyer, use Ms./Mr. without the Esq. and add the addressee’s title
on the line below. E.g., Ms. Jane Hamilton, Recruiting Coordinator)

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