6th Grade Informative Essay Rubric
Student responds to some
or no parts of the prompt,
conveying little or no
understanding of the topic.
Student responds to most
of the prompt, conveying
some understanding of the
Student responds to the
entire prompt, conveying an
understanding of the topic.
Student skillfully responds
to the entire prompt,
conveying a strong
understanding of the topic.
Student does not organize
the essay into logical
paragraphs or sections,
and does not use proper
Student does not structure
the essay with an
introduction, body, and
Student does not use
transitions to link the
sections of the essay.
Student attempts to
organize the essay into
logical paragraphs or
sections that may contain
some unrelated information
and occasionally use proper
Student attempts to
structure the essay with an
introduction, body, and
Student uses simple or
below grade-level
transitions to link the
sections of the essay.
Student organizes the essay
into paragraphs or sections
that use proper formatting.
Student structures the essay
with an introduction, body,
and concluding paragraph.
Student uses grade-level
appropriate transitions to
link the sections of the essay.
Student organizes the essay
into logical paragraphs or
sections that contain related
information and use proper
Student structures the essay
with a strong thesis in the
introduction, a body that
includes relevant details and
analysis, and an analytical
Student uses grade-level
appropriate transitions to
link the sections of the
Student does not or rarely
develops the topic by using
relevant facts, definitions,
details, quotations, and/or
other information.
Student provides little or
no analysis of relevant
supporting content in an
attempt to develop the
Student attempts to
develop the topic by using
some relevant facts,
definitions, details,
quotations, and/or other
Student provides some
analysis of relevant
supporting content in an
attempt to develop the
Student develops the topic by
using relevant facts,
definitions, details,
quotations, and/or other
Student provides an analysis
of relevant supporting
Student skillfully develops
the topic by using significant
relevant facts, definitions,
concrete details, quotations
and/or other information.
Student provides an
accurate analysis of relevant
supporting content that
helps to develop the topic.