2016-2017 Event Calendar
University space is managed by an established hierarchy which supports and enhances academic instruction and the co-
curricular mission of university departments and organizations. Depending on the semester, University policies on space
use priorities differ, resulting in different scheduling processes. The calendar below provides information regarding
important dates which impact campus-wide event scheduling.
Supplemental Information:
Summer Event Scheduling Process
Academic and Major Event Holds
Using the “Instructional Space” Location Option
Using the “Event Space” Location Option
Summer 2016
Summer Event Scheduling Process
Event requests are placed in queue and processed
by incremental release
No classes, University offices closed
Eagle Summit - New Student Orientation
Space limited; avoid planning large events
No classes, University offices closed
Eagle Summit - New Student Orientation
Space limited; avoid planning large events
Space limited; avoid planning large events
Space limited; avoid planning large events
Fall 2016
Standard Event Scheduling Process
Event requests are placed in queue for approval
and processing
Event requests for instructional space are placed in
queue; Avoid planning events for instructional
space during 1st three weeks of semester
(especially between Mon-Fri, 8am-5:15pm)
No classes, University offices closed
Instructional Space Queue processed roughly 3-4
days after this
Showcase AU
Admissions Overnight
Space limited; avoid planning large events
No classes, University offices open
Event requests are placed in queue for approval
and processing