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The content for this component of CCSSO’s Adolescent Literacy Toolkit was provided by Public Consulting Group’s Center for
Resource Management, in partnership with the Council of Chief State School Officers (August 2007). The content was informed by
feedback from CCSSO partners and state education officials who participate in CCSSO’s Secondary School Redesign Project.
High School Mathematics Lesson Plan:
Workplace Applications for Algebraic Expressions
Each lesson in the Adolescent Literacy Toolkit is designed to support students through the
reading/learning process by providing instruction before, during, and after reading/learning.
Note that lessons incorporate the gradual release of responsibility model. When this model is
used within a single lesson and over several lessons, students are provided with enough
instruction and guidance to use the literacy strategies on their own. The following lesson
includes some examples of explicit instruction and modeling, guided practice, and independent
practice, but students need more practice and feedback than is possible within the context of a
single lesson.
Bold print indicates a direct link to the Content Area Literacy Guide where readers will find
descriptions of literacy strategies, step-by-step directions for how to use each strategy, and
quadrant charts illustrating applications across the four core content disciplines.
The following lesson plan and lesson narrative show mathematics teachers how they can
incorporate the use of literacy strategies to support high school students to learn mathematics
content and concepts. The lesson is designed for one block period (8090 minutes) or two
traditional classes (50 minutes).
Instructional Outcomes
NCTM Standards: 8.2 Selects and uses appropriate concrete materials for learning
mathematics. 8.8 Demonstrates the ability to lead classes in mathematical problem solving,
developing in-depth conceptual understanding, and help students develop and test
generalizations. 10.2 Apply fundamental ideas of linear algebra.
Content Learning Outcome: Students will develop purpose for learning algebraic expressions by
connecting the algebraic concepts to a variety of workplace problems.
Literacy Support Strategies and Instruction
Before reading/learning: Problematic Situation (guided practice)
Materials: A list of teacher-summarized Problematic Situations for workplace problems
that require solutions using algebraic expressions directly derived from the workplace
application or integration examples in the text chapter.
During reading/learning: Problematic Situation with Paired Reading (guided practice)
Materials: Technical math or Algebra text chapter on algebraic expressions for addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division that includes workplace application examples
that use algebraic expressions to solve a problem.
After reading/learning: Problematic Situation (guided practice)

The new source of power is not money in the hands of a few, but information in the hands of many. | John Naisbitt