enr y Duncan 24457 Jose St. #551 San Jose, CA 95113
925-595-8874 hduncan@gmail.com
Dynamic executive leadership career in international, billion dollar organizations with a rich mix of finance, operations,
internal/external processes, technical savvy and busine ss development. Intimate knowledge of financial pr ocesse s,
operating results and profitability. Expert in executing team-driven process improvements to increase revenue growth
operational efficiency, and overall profitability. Executive MBA. Expertise in:
Financial & Procurement Controls International Sourcing, Operations & Finance
Contract Negotiations & Procurement Controls Technology & Process Implementation
Strategic & Financial Planning Start Ups, Turnaround & Revitalization
BLUE SHIELD OF CALIFORNIA, San Jose, CA 2009 to Present
HMO provider with annual revenue of $8 billion and over 5,000 employees.
Director of Finance & Vendor Management
Promoted to the CFO r ole for the finance and vendor management function of the Shield Advance Program, a $500
million infrastructure redesign program focused on claims, portals, product and IT infrastructure support. Created
strategic plans to improve pr ofitability and a t ool monitor be nefits realization. Direct and develop financial models, spa ce
and capacity planning, and supplier rationalization a nd vendor plans to ensure performance indicators. Super vise 16 staff
in 4 departments. Present regularly t o corporate CFO and CEO on financial progress of program.
• Created and divided the organization into a two-phased restructuring appr oach—1
phase to centralize the
finance/vendor management functions, 2
was to a utomate key processes to reduced depende ncy on manual
processes and staff positions. The restructure netted over $500,000 in annualized savings.
• Key member of the program’s leadership team that built out the first business cases and secured funding approval.
• Partner with executive management, business and IT to develop the annual financial business plan to gain buy-in.
• Uncovered over $12 million in cost saving opportunities through revision of staffs internal and external resources,
negotiating consulting fees, and facilitating substantial business reinvestment.
• Identified over $5 million in cost reductions by impleme nting a transaction-level accounting reporting system that
allows for greater transparency.
KAISER PERMANENTE, Concord/Oakland/Walnut Creek, CA 2000 to 2009
Healthcare provider and health insurance company with annual revenue of $38 billion and over 150,000 employees.
Executive Director, National IT Compliance (2005 to 2007)
Governed all aspects of t he $1.4 billion IT Division that supported all healthcare systems. Partnered with IT leadership
and compa ny execs to gain buy-in for new processes and procedures and support program. Supervised 22 staff.
• Met the challenge of turning around the division to focus on compliance, financial stability, audit integrity and
productivity increases. Implemented SOX 404 for IT to include testing over 500 key applications.
• Saved over $1 million while improving audit activities with the Compliance Organization Rebuild Project that
redefined positions, creating new processes, and enhanced training.
• Ensured c ompliance with procurement processes, renegotiated supplier contracts, and analyzer the supplier ba se
which resulted in over $5 million in savings.
• Consolidated audit and remediation activities to support SOX 404 which reduced the need for a dditional staff and
decreased costs by $5 million.
• Set the precedence for the vendor community in the Bay Area by aggressively negotiating with vendors to reduce
the number of profe ssional services suppliers and saved $25 million.
Drive Finance & Business Performances into Competitive Advantages for Healthcare & Insurance Providers
through Vision and Revenue–Generating Operational L eadership
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