1 | Autumn term Governing Body meeting [Date]
EES for Schools
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A draft autumn term agenda – Academy version
Please note that this agenda will vary depending on the structure and Scheme of Delegation (SoD) for
a Local Governing Body. As a Clerk you should refer to the Governing Board Year Planner prior to
drafting the agenda.
Name of School:
Autumn (2
meeting) term meeting of the [or local] Governing/Trustees Board
NOTE: Please bring to the meeting all those documents already circulated and referred to in
the separate agenda items.
Apologies and reasons for absence
To receive apologies for absence.
Notification of any other business
To note late item of business, not on the agenda, which any governor wishes to
raise and to decide whether the urgency of the matter is such as to warrant
consideration at this meeting.
Declaration of business interests/conflict of interest/gifts and hospitality
a) To note any changes to be made to the Register of Business Interests.
b) To receive any declarations of interest in relation to any matters to be
considered during the meeting.
c) To receive any declarations of gifts and hospitality received or given.
Membership of the Governing/Trustees Board
To note any resignations/new appointments and re-appointments that have
arisen since the last meeting.
Minutes of the previous meeting
To confirm minutes of the meeting held on [date].