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City of Corvallis
Personnel Division
P. O. Box 1083
Corvallis, OR 97339-1083
(541) 766-6902 (phone)
(541) 766-6780 (fax)
Filing Complaints Regarding the Behavior of a City Employee(s)
The City of Corvallis has established policies and procedures to receive, investigate, and act
upon complaints by the public regarding the behavior of City employees. The purpose is to
promptly address citizen concerns while protecting employee rights and protecting the integrity
and reputation of the City and its employees.
If you wish to file such a complaint, a form is attached which is designed to assist the City in
documenting information necessary for a thorough investigation. You do not have to use this
form in order to file a complaint, but you will be asked to provide this same information in order
to assist us in promptly and fairly conducting this investigation.
If you know the name of the employee(s) whose behavior is the source of the complaint, your
complaint will be directed to that employee's supervisor. If you do not know the employee(s) by
name, but know their department, the complaint will be directed to that department's Director. If
you do not know the employee(s)' department, the complaint will be forwarded to the Personnel
Division for investigation. Complaints regarding a member of the Corvallis Police Department
must be directed to the Police Department.
You are asked to sign the complaint to verify that the information is correct. The City of
Corvallis will investigate anonymous complaints or complaints filed by a representative of the
complainant. However, if the anonymous complaint cannot be verified by other evidence, or the
representative refuses to identify the complainant, the employee's response will be considered
The City will make every effort to respond to the complaint within 30 working days, whenever
feasible. If resolution is not possible within 30 days, you will be notified of the estimated
completion time.
Information given to the City in the course of an internal investigation is not confidential.
However, except as required by the Oregon Public Records Laws or the requirements of a
thorough investigation, the City will only release information on a "need to know" basis. This
includes informing the respondent employee of the nature of the allegations that have been
brought. If you have questions about personal safety or personal privacy, you should discuss
these questions with the Personnel Division, the City Attorney's Office, or your own attorney
prior to providing the information.

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take | Wayne Gretzky