1. Regular issues, produced on time
Producing and issuing a regular newsletter on time
requires a lot of planning and pro-active manage-
ment. This can be helped by:
l Developing a consistent newsletter structure;
l Producing a written set of guidelines for writers;
l Preparing a timetable covering all editorial and
publication tasks.
Be consistent. A newsletter must be sustain-
able so always be realistic about the amount
of content you and your team can consistently
produce. Don’t hesitate to limit the number of
pages. A single-page, two-sided newsletter pub-
lished every month is preferable to an eight-page
newsletter that appears quarterly. Your goal is to
build and maintain awareness among your target
Set yourself deadlines and try to respect them.
Add contingency time within the newsletter plan-
ning timetable to allow for unexpected delays.
2. Simple and user-friendly format
Using a common format means that you don’t
need to start from scratch each time you begin
preparing a new issue. It also provides the
newsletter with identity, integrity and credibility.
Many desktop publishing software packages
include a selection of newsletter templates to
copy or use as basis to build on.
Choosing the format
Newsletters can be produced in both print and
electronic format. The latter version is easy to
handle and allows a broad and cost-effective dis-
semination. The print version can be issued in a
limited amount and sent to selected target groups
or to specific events.
Designing a LIFE Project Newsletter
Newsletters (print and electronic) are an excellent means
of disseminating information about your project and keep-
ing in touch with your target groups (national or local repre-
sentatives, companies, general public, press), both during
and after the project actions. Newsletters can also provide
support for similar projects or for actions achieved by your
association or company. Moreover, it could become a plat-
form for the exchange of good practices between associa-
tions and of companies working on similar projects.
F a c t s h e e t
There are five main factors that LIFE project staff
should consider during the planning and produc-
tion of effective newsletters. Newsletters need to
1. Regular issues, produced on time;
2. Simple and user-friendly format;
3. Attractive presentation;
4. Easy to read text; and
5. Careful editing.
Key Factors
La voce del Parco – uses a consistent layout that is
repeated in each issue of the newsletter. The user-
friendly layout format features the project logo and
so creates a distinctive, recognisable identity for the
publication. The lead article is continued on a second
page so that it does not take up the entire front page.