HTML Preview Personal Trainer Email Signature page number 1.

(Note: This is only a request. You will be contacted by a trainer within the next two business days)
Client Name: _____________________________________________ Email:________________________________
Date: ___________ Phone Number: (____)_________________ Availability (Time/Day)___________________
Are you a returning customer? YES NO Preferred trainer gender: Male Female
Preferred trainers name: ___________________________
Do you mind if a practicum student observes your fitness assessment? YES NO
What are your primary training goals? ___________________________
(Note: Only fill out this section if you are purchasing a Personal Trainer package)
Please choose one of the following options:
1. 60 Minute Sessions*: 3 sessions ($90) 9 sessions ($252) 12 sessions ($324)
18 sessions ($450) 25 sessions ($575) 30 sessions ($660)
2. 30 Minute Sessions: 1 session ($25) 3 sessions ($65) 5 sessions ($90)
3. 30 Minute “Train with a Buddy” Sessions (up to 3 people)**:
1 session ($33) 3 sessions ($89.25) 5 sessions ($130)
4. 60 Minute “Train with a Buddy” Sessions (up to 3 people)**:
3 sessions ($114) 9 sessions ($297) 12 sessions ($372)
18 sessions ($504) 25 sessions ($700) 30 sessions ($825)
5. Additional Services Fitness Assessment ($30) Body Composition ($15)
*Fitness Assessment is included with all 60 minute personal training packages. Time used to complete Fitness Assessments will
not count towards the 60 minute training session.
** Total price for all participants, cost can be divided.
Preferred Payment Method:
Cash Credit Card Check Gift Certificate
Refund: A refund will only be given if the client requests the refund within 30 days of the purchase date, still has
the original receipt that is given at the time of purchase from the fitness office, and has not completed any sessions
or the initial fitness assessment with their assigned personal trainer.
Client Responsibilities:
• All training sessions are planned at the convenience of the trainer and client
• Sessions must be paid in full prior to first session
• Training sessions will expire one year after purchase date if the client has not made alternate arrangements with the
Fitness Department
• Client may request to finish any uncompleted sessions with a new trainer if the client is unsatisfied with their current
trainer. Client must call (740)593-9918 to speak with the Fitness Director.
• All HIPPA protected information provided to personal trainers will remain confidential.
• Sessions begin at the time it was scheduled, not the time the client’s arrival time
• If the client does not show up for a scheduled session without giving a 24 hour cancellation notice,
one session will be deducted from the client’s package
• I agree all information above is correct and I will be responsible for all costs incurred.
For office use only
Name: ___________________________________ Client Contacted: YES NO Initials: _______
Date Received: ____________________________
_____________________________________________ __________________________________________
Client(s) Signature(s) FA Signature

Ideas in secret die. They need light and air or they starve to death. | Seth Godin