Organization Information
Organization Name
Contact Person
Telephone Fax
Authorized Signature
By submitting this form, you agree to the Advertising Terms and Conditions listed below.
Marketing/Advertising 2018 Order Form
☐ Exhibit Hall Pocket Map** �������������������������������������������� $6,000
☐ Power Bar** ����������������������������������������������������������������������� $8,000
☐ Attendee Bags** ����������������������������������������������������������� $12,000
☐ Meeting Pens* ������������������������������������������������������������������ $1,500
☐ Meeting Notepads* �������������������������������������������������������� $5,000
☐ Badge Lanyards* ����������������������������������������������������������� $10,000
☐ Hotel Room Key Cards* ��������������������������������� Custom Pricing
☐ Staircase Cling* ���������������������������������������������������������������� $3,000
☐ Escalator Clings* (3 opportunities) ���������������������������� $3,000
☐ Charging Station
Foyer** (2 opportunities) ���������� $1,750
☐ Charging Station
Lobby* (2 opportunities) ���������� $2,000
☐ Past Presidents’ 5K Fun Run/Walk ����������������������������� $3,000
* Opportunity fee does not include production cost.
** Includes the cost of production.
Mailing List Rental
Pre-Registered Attendee Mailing List �������������������������� $1,000
SOT Membership Mailing List ����������������������������������������� $1,000
Download the Attendee Mailing List Order Form
Download the Membership Mailing List Order Form
Total Cost of Your Order:
You will be invoiced for the order upon receipt�
Advertising Terms and Conditions
Email, Mail, or Fax Order to:
SOT Headquarters ATTN: Tonja Morrow
1821 Michael Faraday Drive, Suite 300, Reston, VA 20190
Email: tmorrow@toxicology�org
703�438�3115 • Fax: 703�438�3113
www�toxicology�org www�toxexpo�com
2018 Annual Meeting
To place SOT Job Bank and Employer Ads
in the SOT Communiqué blog, contact :
To advertise in Toxicological Sciences,
SOT’s ocial journal, please contact:
Angela Joines, Oxford University Press
919�432�2610 | Telephone: 919�677�0977 Ext� 5190
2018 Annual Meeting
☐ SOT Mobile Event App Banner Ad $1,500
☐ Wi-Fi Welcome Page Banner Ad $1,250
☐ ToxExpo Website and Floor Plan Banner Ad $750
ToxExpo Online Prole Upgrades
☐ 1 Additional Product Category (QTY _____) $35
☐ 3 Additional Product Categories (QTY _____) $90
☐ 5 Additional Product Categories (QTY _____) $125
☐ 1 Additional Press Release (QTY _____) $50
☐ 100 Additional Characters (QTY _____) $50
Preliminary Program
☐ Half-Page Ad—Vertical $525
☐ Half-Page Ad—Horizontal $525
☐ Full-Page Ad $1,045
If you are purchasing a digital ad, please indicate the URL to which your ad should be linked:
More Advertising Options
1� Ad payments are not commissionable� Agencies are
requested to mark up net rates� All advertising rates are net�
Order form must be completed and signed�
2� Cancellations or order changes cannot be accepted after
receipt of completed form�
3� Should timely payments not be made as stated, SOT may
reject advertising copy and/or immediately cancel the
advertiser’s contract and the advertiser agrees to indemnify
SOT for all expenses incurred in connection with the
collection of amounts payable, including court costs and
attorney’s fees�
4� If an advertising agency places an order on behalf of an advertiser,
such agency warrants and represents that it has authority to
place such order� The advertiser and its agency each agree to
be jointly and severally liable for charges for ads placed�
5� Advertising material specications will remain as listed in
6� SOT shall have full positioning latitude on all advertisements
other than paid guaranteed positions�
7� SOT will not be liable for typographical errors, incorrect
insertions, incorrect positions or omissions in advertising, or
incorrect artwork� Every eort will be made to ensure correct
positioning and artwork�
8� Forwarding of an insertion order is construed as an
acceptance of all published rates and conditions, and such
order when accepted by SOT constitutes a contract�
9� All contracts are conditional on strikes, res, acts of God or the
public enemy, war, or any cause not subject to the control of
SOT, excluding the advertiser’s failure or inability to perform�
10� Advertiser and agency agree that any advertisement
published in SOT publications is and remains the property
of SOT, and it may be used by SOT in all media, whether
now in existence or hereafter developed, in which the issue
containing the ad is published, reproduced, displayed,
distributed, or transmitted in whole or in part� Advertisers
cannot authorize photographic or other reproductions, in
whole or in part, of any such advertising copy for use in any
other medium without the express written consent of SOT�
11� All advertising placed in an SOT publication is done so using the
rates in eect on issue date, regardless of previous rate quotations�
12� All advertising must be relevant to the eld of toxicology and
is subject to approval by SOT�
13� These terms and conditions shall govern the relationship
between SOT and the advertisers and/or agency� Unless
expressly agreed to in writing by SOT, no other terms or
conditions in contracts, orders, copy instructions, or otherwise
shall be binding on SOT�
14� SOT’s promotional policy allows toxicology-related “sister
societies” to raise awareness about their meetings and journal
subscriptions via the SOT website�
15. SOT cannot accept advertisements that promote journals,
awards, membership recruitment, or other advertisements
that compete with SOT’s programs and resources.