Annotated Bibliography WR6.40
J.Cheng/ 2010
Learning Centre
An annotated bibliography is a bibliography that provides descriptive and/or evaluative
comments after each citation. An “annotation” can explain, critique, and link the sources
listed in the bibliography. For a bibliography to become an annotated bibliography, it
must provide a 50-300 word summary under each source, with the length of the
annotation depending on assignment instructions and source contents.
The Three Types of Annotated Bibliographies:
1. Descriptive: A descriptive annotated bibliography provides a summary of the
source’s main points and an outline of how it came to those points.
Example with MLA style citation:
“A Very Rare and Fine Set of Amulet, Key-Holder.” Harubang Antiques. Trocadero, 2009.
Web. 28 Nov. 2009.
The short paragraph provided by Harubang Antiques provides pertinent information
about the history of the Korean amulet key-holder. It explains the accessory as a
happiness charm and gives vivid details as well as a photo of an amulet. It also provides
a short description of how the amulet was used and how those purposes later changed.