Six Monthly compliance report
M/S JUD Cements Ltd.
Condition proposed in Environmental
It is, interalia, noted that the project involves
cement plant & 10 MW captive power plant on a
plot of area of 20.00 acres. The total water
requirement is 500 – 532 KLD. The capacity of
STP to be installed is 160 KLPD. The power
requirement is 6 MVA. Total cost of the project
is 88.08 Crores towards the cement plant and
40.35 Crores towards the captive power plant
totaling an aggregate of 128.43 Crores.
900 TPD Cement Plant had been commissioned in
2008. Installation of the CPP (10 MW) had been
deferred and no work had been started so far in
this regard.
The State Expert Appraisal Committee after due
considerations of the relevant documents
submitted by the project proponent and
additional clarifications furnished in response to
its observations have recommended for
environmental clearance as per the provisions of
Environmental Impact Assessment Notification –
2006 and its subsequent amendments, subject
to strict compliance of the terms and conditions
as follows:-
A stack of 120 m height shall be provided with
continuous on-line monitoring system in respect
of thermal power plant. The data collected shall
be analyzed and submitted regularly to the
Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board and
It may kindly be noted that the installation of the
CPP (10 MW) had been deferred and no work had
been started so far in this regard.
High efficiency Electrostatic Precipitator (ESPs)
shall be installed to limit particulate emission to
50 mg/Nm3.
We shall include ESP in the Power plant,
whenever shall be commissioned. Presently, due
to various constraints, we could not start work for
the installation of the power plant.
In our cement plant, one High Efficiency
Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) with three fields
had been installed in the kiln (Grate cooler outlet)
to control the particulate emission below 50
Present emission level is within the prescribed
norms of 50 mg//Nm