14 Alpine Road
New Rochelle, NY 10804
914 576-0028 (Home)
914 882-2269 (Cell)
To engage and excite children to become life-long learners through the combination of my
creativity, talents in the arts, and love of teaching. And most importantly, to share the joy of
making music together.
• Childhood Education (1-6), New York State Initial Certificate
• Music (K-12), New York State Initial Certificate
• Theater (K-12), New York State Initial Certificate
The Bronxville School, Bronxville, NY March 2010 to present
Elementary Choral and General Music Teacher
• Teach elementary general music to grades K through 4, and conduct the Grade 5
chorus, utilizing Kodály and Orff methodology in all aspects of music classroom
instruction. Prepare and present Grade 4 and Grade 5 concerts, as well as Holiday
Sings for the younger students.
Rye Country Day School, Rye, NY December 2009 - March 2010
Lower School Music Teacher – Maternity Leave Replacement
• Taught elementary general music to grades Pre-K through 4, incorporating Kodály and
Orff methodology in all aspects of music classroom instruction, concert preparation, and
grade 3 recorder. Used Smartboard and internet technology to enhance understanding
of cultural and core subject connections to the music curriculum.
Education Through Music, Inc., New York, NY October 2009 – December 2009
Teaching Artist
• Taught elementary general music 3 days a week for grades Pre-K through 5, at P.S. 102
in East Harlem, including all duties of a regular music teacher, such as lesson planning,
differentiating instruction for self-contained special education and inclusion classrooms,
concert preparation, and collaboration with classroom teachers for connections to core
subject lessons. Used Kodály and Orff methodology in all aspects of teaching.
City School District of New Rochelle, New Rochelle, NY April 2009 – Present
District Substitute Teacher
• Substitute teacher for all elementary schools in New Rochelle – Pre-K to Grade 5
C.S. 61 (Francisco Oller) Public School, Bronx, NY August 2007 – December 2008
First Grade CTT General Education Teacher August 2008 – December 2008
• First grade general education teacher in a collaborative team teaching inclusion setting
• Instructed entire class in Everyday Math and word study; instructed general education
students in reading, Writer’s Workshop (Lucy Calkins), science, and social studies
• Taught music to the entire grade level as preparation for assemblies
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