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Pre-Employment Assessments June 11, 2015
Pre-Employment Assessments: More Informed for Successful Hires
Frequently Asked Questions for Hiring Supervisors and Managers
1. What is a pre-employment assessment?
A pre-employment assessment is a test that is administered during the application process to
candidates when they are applying for a position.
2. What are the benefits of using a pre-employment assessment?
The results of a pre-employment assessment can be used to identify those candidates most likely to
be successful on the job. Pre-employment assessments provide more insight into the skills and
abilities of candidates beyond what is represented in their online application and resume materials.
Pre-employment assessments also provide an opportunity for candidates with limited work
experience to demonstrate their skills fairly.
3. Why is Johns Hopkins Medicine implementing pre-employment assessments?
One of the priorities of the Johns Hopkins Medicine Strategic Plan is to attract, engage, develop and
retain the world’s best people. Research shows that pre-employment assessments can help
managers make more informed hiring decisions. For Johns Hopkins Medicine, hiring the right person
for the job has a positive impact on patient satisfaction and patient safety, and helps reduce
employee turnover rates.
4. What vendor are we using to implement the pre-employment assessments? How is this vendor
working with the Department of Human Resources?
We are working with Development Dimensions International (DDI) to implement the pre-
employment assessments. To ensure confidentiality of applicant responses, DDI will administer and
collect all assessment information, and then analyze the data to identify trends and themes.
Managers will have immediate access to candidate results, including a score and a summary report
for each candidate.
5. Will every candidate be given the same assessment?
No. The assessment applicants take is based on the position for which they are applying. There are
six different assessments that focus on the six broad-based job categories identified by our
consultant, Developmental Dimensions International (DDI) that involve patient care, health care
support and health care management.
6. Will pre-employment assessments alter the hiring process?
The pre-employment assessments will be presented to candidates immediately after they complete
their online application. Candidates will have the opportunity to complete the appropriate
assessment at that time or defer to a later time.

There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them. | Seth Godin