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Sample Employment Verification Letter
The employment-verification letter must meet the following criteria:
Be on the letterhead of the employer’s organization
Be hand-signed by the person authorized by the organization to do so
Be submitted in hard copy at the appointment
Include the full name of the authorized user (the applicant for the digital certificate)
Be dated no more than 30 days prior to the ID-proofing appointment
The employment-verification letter need not be an original document with a wet signature. For
example, it may be a printout of a PDF or a photocopy of a hand-signed original.
(Date of letter)
To whom it may concern:
By this letter, I certify that ___________________________________ (full name of authorized
user), employee # ______________________________ (optional), is as of this date an active
and current employee of ___________________________________ (name of organization).
The authorized user details are as follows:
First Name: __________________________________________________________
Middle Initial: __________________________________________________________
Last Name: __________________________________________________________
Email Address: __________________________________________________________
By signing this letter, I attest that I am authorized by ___________________________________
(name of organization) to certify the identity and employment status of the authorized user ref-
erenced herein.
(Signature of authorized party)
First Name: __________________________________________________________
Middle Initial: __________________________________________________________
Last Name: __________________________________________________________
Title: __________________________________________________________
Email Address: __________________________________________________________

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. | Vidal Sassoon