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Mentorship Program Application Form
If you would like to participate either as a mentor or mentee, please fill out the following form. Information will be
kept confidential and will only be shared with CPABC Executive.
Name: ______________________________________________
School: ______________________________________________
School Address: ______________________________________________ Email: ___________________
School Phone #: ______________________________________________ Cell: ___________________
Are you a CPABC member? Yes No
I want to be a mentor
I want to be a mentee
Please indicate learning goals you would have for this mentoring relationship:
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
Are you willing to commit to 1-2 hours every month for at least one year? Yes No
Is your school board or superintendent behind your commitment? Yes No
Are willing to travel to meet with mentor/mentee at least twice in a year? Yes No
Have you been a mentor or mentee (informally or in a program) before? Yes No
If yes, please describe your experience
Is there a mentee who you would prefer to be matched with?

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