HTML Preview Unpaid Salary Complaint Letter page number 1.

Dear Wage Claimant:
Thank you for contacting the Kansas Department of Labor for help regarding your unpaid
wages. Kansas law provides a procedure for our Ofce of Employment Standards to help you
collect your unpaid wages. This letter outlines the steps you must take to collect your unpaid
If you have not been paid all of your earned wages, please complete the enclosed Claim for
Wages form and mail it to the Kansas Department of Labor, Employment Standards,
401 SW Topeka Blvd., Topeka, KS 66603-3182. A labor conciliator will review your claim
and contact you to ask more questions if necessary.
2. When your Claim for Wages form is complete, your labor conciliator will forward a copy of
your claim to the employer, requesting that they provide a response within 14 days.
3. If payment is not made by your employer, the Employment Standards ofce will conduct an
investigation pursuant to the Kansas Wage Payment Law (K.S.A. 44-313 et seq.).
4. If your claim cannot be settled through the investigative process, a hearing will be scheduled
before a presiding ofcer and a Notice of Hearing will be mailed to you and your employer.
5. If there is a hearing, the presiding ofcer will decide whether the employer owes the wages
and any applicable penalty and interest. If the decision is in your favor, the presiding ofcer
will order the employer to pay your wages.
6. If the employer does not pay as ordered, you may request the Kansas Department of Labor
legal staff to enforce the presiding ofcer's order in court. If you prefer, your private attorney
may le the court action at your expense.
The more information you can provide on the claim form, the quicker we can resolve your claim.
However, if you don't know all of the answers and can't get the information or the document
requested, complete as much information as possible and submit the form.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact our Employment Standards staff at
785-296-5000, opt. 0, ext. 1068.
Employment Standards
401 SW Topeka Blvd.
Topeka, KS 66603-3182
phone: (785) 296-5000, opt. 0, ext. 1068
fax: (785) 368-6462
Lana Gordon, Secretary Sam Brownback, Governor

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. | Mahatma Gandhi