HTML Preview Safety Committee Agenda page number 1.

Example of a Joint Health and Safety Committee Agenda
Date: February 15, 2000 Location: Meeting Room 1
Time: 10:30 – 11:30 Place: Head Office
Agenda Item Allotted Time
1. Roll Call
Note those members present and absent; note guests and alternates.
1 min.
2. Meeting Report
Adopt report of the previous meeting as circulated, correcting any errors or
1 min.
3. Unfinished Business 5 min.
4. Review of Inspection Report 10 min.
5. Review of First Aid and Accident/Incident Investigations 5 min.
6. New Business (items for consideration) 10 min.
7. Education 15 min.
8. Recommendation(s) to Employer 10 min.
9. Other Business 3 min.
10. Adjourn Total = 60 min.
The recommended time limit of the meeting will be one hour to a maximum of two hours. If there
is any unfinished business after the time allotted, additional meetings may be scheduled.

The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat. | Lilly Tomlin