Example of a Joint Health and Safety Committee Agenda
Date: February 15, 2000 Location: Meeting Room 1
Time: 10:30 – 11:30 Place: Head Office
Agenda Item Allotted Time
1. Roll Call
Note those members present and absent; note guests and alternates.
1 min.
2. Meeting Report
Adopt report of the previous meeting as circulated, correcting any errors or
1 min.
3. Unfinished Business 5 min.
4. Review of Inspection Report 10 min.
5. Review of First Aid and Accident/Incident Investigations 5 min.
6. New Business (items for consideration) 10 min.
7. Education 15 min.
8. Recommendation(s) to Employer 10 min.
9. Other Business 3 min.
10. Adjourn Total = 60 min.
The recommended time limit of the meeting will be one hour to a maximum of two hours. If there
is any unfinished business after the time allotted, additional meetings may be scheduled.