Qualitative Data Analysis Report
Analysis of the BeLL interviews in 10 countries: overall report
Author of the overall report
MA Irena Sgier, Swiss Federation for Adult Learning SVEB
(Leader of work package WP5: ‘Research Framework: Qualitative Part’)
Authors of the national reports, on which this overall report is based
Dr. Bettina Thöne-Geyer (German Institute for Adult Education DIE, project coordinator, Germany)
Dr. Hana Danihelková (Association for Education and Development of Women ATHENA, Czech Republic)
Dr. Samantha Duncan (University of London, Institute of Education, England)
Prof. Dr. Jyri Manninen, BA Anina Kornilow (University of Eastern Finland)
Paola Zappaterra (Associazione di donne Orlando AddO, Italy)
Prof. Dr. Simona Sava (Romanian Institute for Adult Education IREA, Romania)
Katarina Popovic & Edisa Kecap & Dubravka Mihajlović (Adult Education Society AES, Serbia)
MSc Estera Možina & Dr. Petra Javrh & Dr. Natalija Vrečer (Slovenian Institute for Adult Education SIAE,
Dr. Javier Diez (University of Barcelona, CREA Research Centre, Spain)
MA Irena Sgier (Swiss Federation for Adult Learning SVEB, Switzerland)
The BeLL project (2011-2014) was funded by the European Commission as a part of the EU funding
stream “Studies and Comparative Research (KA 1)”.
BeLL website: www.bell-project.eu
April, 2014
Benefits of Lifelong Learning (BeLL)
Agreement n. 2011 - 4075 / 001 – 001
Project number – 519319-LLP-1-2011-1-DE-KA1-KA1SCR
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author,
and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 1