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Finance with International Experience
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University of Colorado at Boulder, Leeds School of Business December 20xx
B.S. Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Finance
Relevant Projects:
Won 1st Place in Downtown Boulder Business Feasibility Competition
Prepared a feasibility report for a hypothetical business to be started at the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder, Colorado.
Components included a detailed business model with revenue, gross margin, operating, and working capital
models created through detailed analysis of specific market as well as networking with industry experts.
Project was evaluated and awarded by six local investors and business professionals.
Relevant Courses:
Derivative Securities, International Financial Management, Corporate Financial Reporting, Financial Markets and
Institutions, Investment and Portfolio Management, Senior Seminar in Finance.
University of Houston, C.T. Bauer College of Business Aug. 20xx-May 20xx
Coursework towards B.S. in Business Administration GPA: 3.6
R. S. Platou - Oslo, Norway
Summer Intern, Offshore Research June 20xx-July 20xx
Supported a worldwide privately held ship brokerage firm with maintenance of database specific to the
Offshore Research Group detailing the available ships for sale and lease in the oil and gas industry; performed
detailed analysis of ship specifications including size, crane capacity and bollard pull.
Played a key role in creating and establishing a new spreadsheet to be used by the offshore shipbrokers
detailing ship specifications for the new Offshore Wind Department in the company.
Utilizing Bloomberg market data, developed valuation methods for secondhand rigs.
Networked with industry professionals weekly through attending presentations and seminars as part of the
intern program.
Norwegian Automobile Federation Oslo, Norway
Customer Representative June 20xx-July 20xx
Answered customer phone calls with membership and general questions.
Made reservations for required car service checks, on average 80 per day, using strong communication and
organizational skills.
Sportshuset Slependen - Asker, Norway
Sales Assistant (Seasonal) June 20xx-Dec. 20xx
Sold bicycles and equipment and prepared ordered bicycles for delivery.
Assisted customers with complaints on purchases.
Co-founder of CU Investment Club
CU Boulder representative for the Association of Norwegian Students Abroad
Fluent in Norwegian and English
Proficient in French, Danish and Swedish
Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Mac OS and Windows
Bloomberg Terminal

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