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The time I spent in WACSI as an intern from January to July 2013 was a memorable one
for me as it was rich in experience sharing and helped me discover my potential. I have
had so many rich experiences and opportunities that I personally believe will forever
shape and influence my professional life while fostering personal growth and
In this report, I hope to highlight the enormous opportunities offered by WACSI to
young people from various countries in West Africa wishing to pursue a career in the
domain of Civil Society. In my desire to write this report, I have in no way any claim to
come out with a perfect piece of work.
These few details lead me to realize that, like all human endeavours, this report is not
perfect and may contain errors and shortcomings. Thus, I remain open to all criticisms
and suggestions which could present me with new sources of inspiration as I develop in
my ability to research and learn.
This report would not have been possible without the contribution and collaboration of
others. My sincere gratitude:
To Almighty God who granted me health and long life, without which I could not
have finished this internship report;
To the Executive Director of WACSI, Nana Afadzinu for endorsing my application
for internship;
To The Head of Department for Capacity Building, Charles Vandyck for his
technical support and constant supervision which contributed immensely to my
personal development. I also thank him for his guidance which was a remarkable
force that enabled me to successfully complete the internship program;
To the Head of Department of Policy Advocacy, Omolara Balogun for her
unwavering advice to improve my learning;
To the Research and Documentation Department Titilope Ajayi Mamattah and
Harrison O Boakye, for their assistance in writing my research topic;
To the Program Assistant, Franck Sombo for his advice, guidance and on-going
The Administrative Manager, Katherine Adarkwa especially who spared no effort
in ensuring my social and professional integration in WASCI staff;
To the rest of the WACSI staff for their support and guidance which helped me to
overcome the challenges I faced during the past six months in WACSI.
To all of you, I extend my deepest gratitude.

To win without risk is to triumph without glory. | Pierre Corneille