Trafford Centre for Independent Living Charity Registration Number: 1145800
Complaints letter help guide
The person in charge / Chief Executive Officer (name if known): Followed by the name and address of their organisation
GP surgery □ Dental Surgery □ Hospital Trust □ or Primary Care Trust □
RE: NHS Complaint – Complainant name, Date of Birth
I am writing to complain about the treatment I received at [place where treatment was received] on [date of incident/period
of treatment]. If you are writing on behalf of the patient, add this in here, and explain the relationship between you and why
they cannot complain.
What happened □ When □ Where □
If you have kept a diary, a log sheet or list of events, you can use this to make the body of your letter or you can attach this as
a separate sheet and refer to this here. Explain what, if anything, you have already done to try to resolve matters.
I would like the following points addressed in the response to this complaint.
o Put the most important matters first
o Explain why you are not satisfied
o Be clear and brief
o Number or bullet your points
Ask the questions you would like the answers to and list them in order of importance.
As a result of this complaint I would now like
Say what you want to happen, for example:
• an explanation of what happened
• a change in a process or policy
• an action to remedy the problem you experienced
• an apology
I look forward to receiving your acknowledgement of this letter. I would like you to carry out a full investigation into my
concerns and provide a response in accordance with the NHS Complaints Procedure. Please do not hesitate to contact me if
you need further information.
Yours sincerely (if you have named the Complaints Lead)
Or, Yours faithfully (if you have started the letter ‘Dear Sir’)
Your signature
Print your name
If you are sending copies of your letter to other parties, show this here.
cc. Other party